Arcane Goods / April 2017 to Present

Arcane Goods is a collection of tools and resources for tabletop roleplaying games. The site is a work in progress, but it's a place where I can share some of the things I've been working on.

Wild Shapes Deck Kickstarter / April 2017 to Present

Arcane Goods is a collection of tools and resources for tabletop roleplaying games. The site is a work in progress, but it's a place where I can share some of the things I've been working on.

Arcana Notebook Kickstarter / April 2017 to Present

Arcane Goods is a collection of tools and resources for tabletop roleplaying games. The site is a work in progress, but it's a place where I can share some of the things I've been working on.

Arcana Note Kickstarter / April 2017 to Present

Arcane Goods is a collection of tools and resources for tabletop roleplaying games. The site is a work in progress, but it's a place where I can share some of the things I've been working on. / April 2017 to Present

Arcane Goods is a collection of tools and resources for tabletop roleplaying games. The site is a work in progress, but it's a place where I can share some of the things I've been working on.

Image Essence / April 2013

Image Essence was a project I made to play around with the Bing API. It allowed users to enter a query and would return an average of the first 50 images returned by Bing. This created an abstract "essence" of the search term which led to some fun results. I unfortunately did not archive it very well and it is no longer available. It was built using Laravel 3, Bootstrap CSS, Bing API and the ImageMagick library for the blending.